Compass Security Blog

Offensive Defense

Hitchhiker’s Guide to Managed Security

Over the past few years, we have had the opportunity to conduct several Purple Teaming exercises together with our customers.

Particularly after Purple Teaming exercises involving external providers, we often see a mismatch between the customer’s expectations and the service provided.

This blog post attempts to summarize how to prevent the most prevalent issues with a managed security service as early as possible.

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Device Code Phishing – Add Your Own Sign-In Methods on Entra ID

TL;DR An attacker is able to register new security keys (FIDO) or other authentication methods (TOTP, Email, Phone etc.) after a successful device code phishing attack. This allows an attacker to backdoor the account (FIDO) or perform the self-service password reset for the account with the newly registered sign-in methods. Microsoft deemed this not a vulnerability.

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Device Code Phishing – Compass Tooling

Device code phishing is nothing new. In fact it has been around for some years now. Despite the awesome capabilities of device code phishing, it is not widely used by threat actors. Therefore, it probably does not receive much attention from Microsoft. Compass Security is releasing two tools that can work hand in hand in a device code phishing exercise or even your next red team engagement.

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Securing Connections to your Remote Desktop

When accessing a remote server, one should always assume it has been compromised or might be in the near future. It is particularly crucial for users with administrative privileges to establish a secure connection to the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) service in order to not fall victim to credential theft or impersonation. To achieve this, there exist several measures in Windows. In this blog post, we’ll look at some of them, their benefits and their drawbacks.

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Why You Should Implement a Banned Password List

The ntds.dit file from a domain controller contains all password hashes of the domain. In a company with employees around the globe we were allowed to analyze the hashes. Here are the results, and the reason why you should implement a banned password list.

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A Years Worth of Active Directory Privilege Escalation

The end of the year is a good time to sit back and reflect for a moment on the past year. So let us take a look at the ten most common ways how I got Domain Admin privileges in our Active Directory penetration tests in 2021.

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