Compass Security Blog

Offensive Defense

Hello Roger! A new way to spoof a caller id

Did Roger Federer call us for some IT-security advice or did Nicolas Heiniger and I find a new way to spoof a caller id? The Human Factor is, and remains, the biggest and most relevant threat to the security of every company. The latest statistics state that “only about 3% of the malware they run […]

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Blackout: Wenn Hacker den Strom abschalten

Dieser Blog Post dient als Hintergrundartikel zum SRF Thementag «Blackout»: Wenn die Schweiz plötzlich keinen Strom mehr hätte vom Montag, 2. Januar 2017, 13.00 bis 22.00 Uhr (SRF News, SRF Kultur Wissen Beitrag) Wie ist die Vorgehensweisen von Hackern, die unerlaubten Zugriff auf fremde Systeme erlangen wollen? — beispielsweise im Netzwerk eines Energieversorgungsunternehmens. Basierend auf diesen […]

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What is a “Fake President Fraud” and how to Protect Your Company

“Fake President Fraud” or “CEO Fraud” is a social engineering attack where an adversary tries to convince a member of the financial department of a company to send out a payment to the attacker’s bank account. The attack can be divided into three steps. Establish Contact: Typically only employees responsible for bank transfers get contacted by […]

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Compass Security at CYBSEC15 in Yverdon-les-Bains

As in past years, Compass Security will participate in the upcoming CyberSec Conference in Yverdon-les-Bains (formerly Application Security Forum – Western Switzerland). This year, we will contribute in two events: First, Antoine Neuenschwander and Alexandre Herzog will conduct a day long training session on Tuesday, November 3rd. Participants will be able to exercise their skills […]

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Simulated Industrial Espionage with the Pwnie Express Device

The Pwnie Express is a device that is designed for remote security testing of corporate and federal facilities and can be used as an “All-In-One” hacking drop box, aiding the pentesters at Compass Security, to conduct “real world” industrial espionage simulations. The typical penetration testing scenario is: 1) A Compass analyst manages to “social-engineer” […]

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