As in past years, Compass Security will participate in the upcoming CyberSec Conference in Yverdon-les-Bains (formerly Application Security Forum – Western Switzerland). This year, we will contribute in two events:
First, Antoine Neuenschwander and Alexandre Herzog will conduct a day long training session on Tuesday, November 3rd. Participants will be able to exercise their skills and learn with step-by-step instructions on how to exploit vulnerable web applications at their own pace and with the support of the trainers within the CTF environment.
Second, Ivano Somaini will share his practical experience of physically breaking into banks and other critical infrastructures in his talk “Social Engineering: The devil is in the details” on Wednesday, November 4th. Ivano looks forward to his first talk in the French speaking part of Switzerland. He was lately a lot in the news in the Swiss Italian and German part of Switzerland, due to his extensive interviews to Coop Cooperazione (in Italian), to the Tages Anzeiger (in German), and his participation to popular talkshow “Aeschbacher” on Swiss television SRF1 (video of the interview).
We are looking forward to meeting you at this occasion, either during the Castle evening networking event, the workshop or the conferences!