Compass Security Blog

Offensive Defense

Bug Bounty: Insights from Our First-hand Experience

At Compass Security, we recently launched our managed bug bounty service. We openly invite hunters to probe our publicly exposed services for vulnerabilities. In return for their valuable feedback, we offer monetary bounties up to CHF 5000. This blog posts presents an interesting vulnerability found by a hunter on the bug bounty program of our subsidiary, Hacking-Lab.

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Tutorial on how to Approach Typical DFIR Cases with Velociraptor

This post provides ideas of processes to follow and gives basic guidance on how to collect, triage and analyze artifacts using Velociraptor

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Swiss Cyber Storm 2021 Wrap Up

On October 12th the Swiss Cyber Storm conference took place in the Kursaal in Bern. Several Compass analysts attended the conference, our security analyst Yves Bieri held a talk and we also had a booth. The conference was great fun, finally a in-person conference with many interesting talks. This blog post wraps up some talks we attended.

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.CH Zone Lookup Tool

Fighting cybercrime is one of the reason Switch announced to publish the .ch zone. Switzerland has a law on Open-Government-Data-Strategy that follows the open-by-default strategy The .ch zone file contains all registered .ch domain names that have a NS record that points to the nameserver that gives authoritative answers for that domain name. Compass Security is offering […]

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Wrap-up: Hack-Lab 2017 #6

What is a Hack-Lab? Compass Security provides a monthly playful occasion for the security analysts to get-together and try to hack new devices, dive into current technologies and share their skills with their fellows. Topics The following topic, related tools and technology has been discussed during this Hack-Lab: Mobile Application Training focused on iOS and […]

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BFH Exploiting & Defense Course

I am given the opportunity to teach Exploiting & Defense in the Bern University of Applied Sciences (Berner Fachhochschule) in the module Application and Software-Security.

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Hacking-Lab @ CodeMash 2017

What is CodeMash? CodeMash is a conference for software developers and IT security professionals. It takes place every year in Sandusky, Ohio, in the U.S. The event consists of two parts: two days of training sessions (called “PreCompiler”), followed by two days of conference with sessions. It attracts about 3’000 visitors and takes place in […]

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Come’n’Hack Day 2015

Being a security analyst at Compass Security is an interesting thing, no doubt. Besides interesting projects, there is plenty of know-how transfer and interactions between the employees. For example, each year, all security analysts come together for an event called Come’n’Hack Day. During this year’s event, they had the pleasure to perform an attack/defense hacking contest […]

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Compass Security at CYBSEC15 in Yverdon-les-Bains

As in past years, Compass Security will participate in the upcoming CyberSec Conference in Yverdon-les-Bains (formerly Application Security Forum – Western Switzerland). This year, we will contribute in two events: First, Antoine Neuenschwander and Alexandre Herzog will conduct a day long training session on Tuesday, November 3rd. Participants will be able to exercise their skills […]

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Aktuelle Security Trainings

Web Application Security Training Die Compass Security hat im Moment im Bereich Web Security zwei Kurse ausgeschrieben. Ein Basic und ein Advanced. Unsere öffentlichen Kurse dauern jeweils 2-Tage und bestehen zur Hälfte aus praktischen Beispielen (Hands-On Lab) und zur anderen Hälfte aus Theorie. Wobei die Doing-Aufgaben in der Regel eine Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung sind. Der Hacker-Angriff […]

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