Compass Security Blog

Offensive Defense

SAML Raider Release 2.0.0

SAML Raider is a Burp Suite extension and the tool of choice for many pentesters for testing SAML infrastructures. This blog post should give a brief introduction to what has changed in the new version 2.0.0. From Improving developer and user experience to bug fixes.

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SAML Raider Release 1.4.0

SAML Raider 1.4.0 is out which contains several new features like UI changes, new text editor, raw mode, XSW match/replace, parameter name definition and attack templates for XXE and XSLT attacks.

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XSLT Security and Server Side Request Forgery

Nowadays, a growing list of XSLT processors exist with the purpose of transforming XML documents to other formats such as PDF, HTML or SVG. To this end such processors typically offer a powerful set of functionalities – which, from a security point of view, can potentially pose severe risks. Within this post, we highlight some […]

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Security Advisories for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer and neuroML

Compass Security employees identify and report on a regular basis security vulnerabilities as part of their daily assessments (or just out curiosity). Stefan Horlacher identified and reported back in June 2013 several flaws in SAP BusinessObjects Explorer. We’re happy to publish today the details as the flaws have been patched and a reasonable grace period […]

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Secure XML Parser Configuration

Most XML parsers are vulnerable for XML external entitiy attacks (XXE) by default. So what’s your mitigation? The easiest way to prevent XXE is to disallow the Doctype declaration completely: import; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; public class XEE_Disallow_Doctype_Decl { public static void main(String[] args) { String element= null; SAXBuilder objBuilder = null; […]

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AntiSamy to face XSS and XXE

The community hosts a neat little project called AntiSamy[1] which lends its name from the well known MySpace worm[2] and which comes in handy when trying to mitigate Cross-site Scripting[3] attacks. Whereby XSS is sometimes hard to mitigate when business is asking for HTML formatting in user supplied inputs. At that point, AntiSamy might become […]

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