What’s new with Hacking-Lab?
1) New LiveCD
Please note, we have uploaded the new Hacking-Lab LiveCD v5.83 to
* http://media.hacking-lab.com/largefiles/livecd/
2) New Video Tutorial
Watch this short tutorial and learn how to use multiple firefox profiles with your new LiveCD
* http://media.hacking-lab.com/movies/multiple-firefox-browsers/
3) OWASP AppSec EU
OWASP rocks!!! Join the University Challenge in Athens this year and test your security skills in the University Challenge discipline provided by Hacking-Lab.
* http://www.appsecresearch.org
4) Hacking-Lab Magazine
The first release 0x01 will be released within the next 7 days!!! Register a Hacking-Lab account and make sure you receive a copy.
5) IRC service in vulnerable server network
Since a couple of days, we have an IRC service up and running within the vulnerable server network. Please join #hackinglab once you are vpn connected. (chat.hacking-lab.com)
* TUTORIAL VIDEO HERE: http://media.hacking-lab.com/movies/chat/
That’s it. Have a safe day
Ivan Buetler