Compass Security Blog

Offensive Defense

Bypassing Web Filters Part 4: Host Header Spoofing & Domain Fronting Detection Bypasses

In the previous posts of this series, we looked at different ways to bypass web filters, such as Host header spoofing and domain fronting. As we’ve learned, these techniques can be detected by proxies employing TLS inspection, by checking whether the hostname in the SNI matches the one in the HTTP Host header. If they […]

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Bypassing Web Filters Part 3: Domain Fronting

The last two blog posts in this series were about SNI spoofing and Host header spoofing. We also learned that the latter is addressed by some vendors with a technique called “Domain Fronting Detection”. But what exactly is domain fronting? This will be explained in this blog post.

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Bypassing Web Filters Part 2: Host Header Spoofing

In the last post about bypassing web filters, I discussed how SNI spoofing works and how this can also be prevented by web filters. This post is about another bypass technique called Host Header spoofing.

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Bypassing Web Filters Part 1: SNI Spoofing

This is the first part of a series of blog posts about techniques to bypass web filters, looking at increasingly advanced techniques with each part.

The first part is about how SNI spoofing can be used to bypass web filters.

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Compass SSL/TLS recommendations

Mozilla created an extensive page [7] concerning the best current choice of SSL/TLS cipher suites, primarily for web servers. Compass Security agrees broadly with the article, but recommends some additional restrictions in order to provide the most resistance against active and passive attacks versus TLS secured connections: Use 3DES cipher instead of RC4 Disable SSLv3 support […]

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