Compass Security Blog

Offensive Defense

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Wrap-up: Hack-Lab 2017#1

What is a Hack-Lab? Compass Security provides a monthly playful occasion for the security analysts to get-together and try to hack new devices, dive into current technologies and share their skills with their fellows. This also includes the improvement of internal tools, the research of newly identified publicly known attacks, and security analysis of hardware […]

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Excuse me, where is the best site of the city? After the DOM, just turn right!

During a SharePoint 2013 penetration test I performed last November, I noticed that a dynamically constructed JavaScript constantly fetched content or redirected me to the requested pages. Using a variation of the double-slash trick we exploited in the past, I misused this functionality in order to perform a DOM based open redirection attack. Every SharePoint […]

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Advisories regarding Leed and Secure Entry Server (SES)

Today I’m happy to release the following security advisories: SQL injection in Leed (CSNC-2013-005 / CVE-2013-2627) Cross-site request forgery in Leed (CSNC-2013-006 / CVE-2013-2628 Authentication bypass in Leed (CSNC-2013-007 / CVE-2013-2629) URL redirection in Secure Entry Server (SES) I would take the opportunity to thanks Valentin CARRUESCO aka Idleman for the timely patches he implemented […]

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Research über die Netkit-Telnetd Schwachstelle

Als ich nach den üblichen Weihnachtsfesten auf Twitter die neusten Sicherheitsmeldungen überflog, bin ich auf einen interessanten Blog Eintrag gestossen: A Textbook Buffer Overflow: A Look at the FreeBSD telnetd Code. Der Author beschreibt eine Buffer Overflow Lücke im Netkit Telnet Daemon, der im FreeBSD Betriebssystem verwendet wird. Die Schwachstelle wurde Zwei Tage vorher, am 23.12.2011 veröffentlicht. […]

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