Compass Security Blog

Offensive Defense


Don’t we all know the hassle of managing loads of passwords, trying to come up with secure and unique ones only to try afterwards to remember them? Or always staying on high alert whether the URL is definitely the valid one for the website we are trying to visit?
What if all this could be over soon?

Welcome to Passkeys!

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SAML Raider Release 2.0.0

SAML Raider is a Burp Suite extension and the tool of choice for many pentesters for testing SAML infrastructures. This blog post should give a brief introduction to what has changed in the new version 2.0.0. From Improving developer and user experience to bug fixes.

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New Burp Extension: JWT-scanner

Authentication and authorization are critical components of any application. Various standards and frameworks have been developed to facilitate the development of such components and make applications more secure. Among them, JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) have become popular choice over the years.

In this article, we discuss commons flaws in JWT-based authentication and present our extension to automatically check for these issues in Burp: JWT-scanner.

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Device Code Phishing – Add Your Own Sign-In Methods on Entra ID

TL;DR An attacker is able to register new security keys (FIDO) or other authentication methods (TOTP, Email, Phone etc.) after a successful device code phishing attack. This allows an attacker to backdoor the account (FIDO) or perform the self-service password reset for the account with the newly registered sign-in methods. Microsoft deemed this not a vulnerability.

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No Passwords More Problems

Passwordless products promise greater security and convenience by allowing users to log in to Windows systems with only their smartphone. But what is going on behind the scenes and how could a domain’s security stance be worsened by such a solution? In this post I will explain how these products are implemented and detail the vulnerabilities and weaknesses discovered in three tested products.

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SAML Padding Oracle

ArcGIS [1] is a family of software providing geographic information system services. While testing a customer’s ArcGIS architecture we came across a SAML login flow. In this blogpost we show how we found and exploited an AES-CBC padding oracle in this flow.

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Ionic Identity Vault Biometric Authentication Bypass

During a customer project, we could bypass the biometric authentication mechanism of Ionic Identity Vault on Android, because the Android KeyStore entry does not require any authentication. This post shows how this was done and how it can be exploited.

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Relaying NTLM authentication over RPC

Since a few years, we – as pentesters – (and probably bad guys as well) make use of NTLM relaying a lot for privilege escalation in Windows networks.

In this article, we propose adding support for the RPC protocol to the already great ntlmrelayx from impacket and explore the new ways of compromise that it offers.

This vulnerability was discovered by Compass Security in January 2020, disclosed to Microsoft Security Response Center and assigned CVE-2020-1113 as identifier.

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SAMLRequest Support for SAML Raider

About a year ago, the Burp extension SAML Raider [0] was released as a result of a bachelor thesis [1] in collaboration with Compass Security. This Burp extension automates most of the steps, which are necessary to test a SAML single sign-on process and perform according attacks. With SAML Raider, an authentication bypass vulnerability in a Service […]

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Presentation on SAML 2.0 Security Research

Compass Security invested quite some time last year in researching the security of single sign-on (SSO) implementations. Often SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is used to implement a cross-domain SSO solution. The correct implementation and configuration is crucial for a secure authentication solution. As discussed in earlier blog articles, Compass Security identified vulnerabilities in SAML […]

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