Usually you need to pay for lunches with cash or using your credit card. But in some places employees can pay for a lunch using their access badge. And this is the payment method that will be covered in this blogpost.
Usually you need to pay for lunches with cash or using your credit card. But in some places employees can pay for a lunch using their access badge. And this is the payment method that will be covered in this blogpost.
In this post, we are going to take a closer look at the enOcean technology, how security is implemented, and if the security measures and options available are sufficient.
Security in Wi-Fi networks has been, at some point non-existent, then questioned, improved and questioned again over the last two decades. This post provides an overview over the latest developments in Wi-Fi and outlines attacks and defenses.
What is a Hack-Lab? Compass Security provides a monthly playful occasion for the security analysts to get-together and try to hack new devices, dive into current technologies and share their skills with their fellows. This also includes the improvement of internal tools, the research of newly identified publicly known attacks, and security analysis of hardware […]
The “Internet of Things” (IoT) grows quickly. More and more devices are connected to the Internet to automate tasks and simply life. Fridges automatically order milk, cars are taught to self-drive via a simple update and bridges send live updates about their structural integrity. According to Gartner’s 2016 Tech Trends, IoT will define the shape of tomorrow’s […]
This post will give a quick intro into software defined radio (SDR) basics and provide guidance for the decoding of a very simple form of digital modulation (on-off keying). Device Wireless Specs Wireless junk hacking is not too difficult. Usually, devices transceive in the 433MHz or 868MHz ISM radio bands. As these bands are somewhat lax […]
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