Compass Security Blog

Offensive Defense

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Aftermath of the Netgear Advisory Disclosure

Update – 13.10.2015: Netgear published a new firmware (version which fixes the reported authentication bypass. My most recently appointed colleague, Daniel Haake, described in the previous blog article “Authentication Bypass in Netgear WNR1000v4 Router” how he found an authentication bypass in commonly used Netgear firmwares. Due to the rediscovery of the issue and its […]

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Authentication Bypass in Netgear WNR1000v4 Router

Three months ago I tested the web interface of the Netgear WNR1000v4 router for some typical vulnerabilities. When playing around with the application by forcefully calling different URLs in contexts it was not meant for, I got some strange, but interesting behaviour. I accessed different URLs and then switched back to the root web directory […]

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SAML SP Authentication Bypass Vulnerability in nevisAuth

Two months ago, we wrote about SAML Raider, a Burp extension which allows automating SAML attacks based on manipulations of the intercepted security assertion. Using this tool, we were able to identify a severe vulnerability in the service provider (SP) implementation of AdNovum‘s nevisAuth. The following conditions make exploitation possible: SAML POST-Binding is used, i.e. […]

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Vom Domäne Benutzer zum Domäne Administrator (exploit MS14-068)

Der von Microsoft publizierte “out-of-band” Patch MS14-068 [1] (Vulnerability in Kerberos Could Allow Elevation of Privilege – 3011780) behebt eine Schwachstelle in Kerberos, welche es einem normalen Benutzer erlaubt, administrative Privilegien in der Windows Domäne zu erlangen. Die ersten öffentlichen Artikel [2] mutmassten, dass die Kerberos Services den CRC32 Algorithmus als gütlige Signatur auf Tickets […]

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SuisseID-basierte Authentisierung mit Apple OS X

Apple veröffentliche 2006 ein Setup-Guide für die Benutzung von OS X mit Smartcards. Die Anleitung basiert auf der Version 10.4 ist somit nicht mehr aktuell. Die Prinzipien sind allerdings nach wie vor anwendbar und benötigen nur ein paar wenige Anpassungen, wie das folgende Proof-of-Concept zeigt. Es existieren drei Möglichkeiten unter OS X die Smartcard mit […]

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Access control in Windows

According to [Access Control, 2013], “Access control refers to security features that control who [sic] can access resources in the operating system. Applications call access control functions to set who can access specific resources or control access to resources provided by the application.” The Windows access control model is founded on two base components: access […]

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OpenSSH authentication with SuisseID

SuisseID is the first legally accepted, standardized, electronic identification hardware in Switzerland. Available since 2010 for any person living in Switzerland, it contains two X.509 certificates, one for authentication and one for qualified signatures. ‘Qualified’ in this regard means that is legally treated equally to a manual signature. This is especially interesting for signing contracts, […]

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