Compass Security Blog

Offensive Defense

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Samba Exploit Development Presentation

As penetration testers, our main goal is to identify as many vulnerabilities as possible. This allows our customers to more objectifly assess their security level and to shut as many doors as possible which an intruder could use to break in. This process needs to be based in respect of cost-benefit, depending on risk probabily […]

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Reversing in God Mode

Fridays, I was approaching a win32 reversing challenge. So I transferred the binary into my Windows XP virtual box and fired-up OllyDbg. The goal was to bypass the username and password prompt that occurred on application startup. Hilariously, I was just providing a dummy name and password to the app…. “asdf” “asdf” as probably most […]

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Research über die Netkit-Telnetd Schwachstelle

Als ich nach den üblichen Weihnachtsfesten auf Twitter die neusten Sicherheitsmeldungen überflog, bin ich auf einen interessanten Blog Eintrag gestossen: A Textbook Buffer Overflow: A Look at the FreeBSD telnetd Code. Der Author beschreibt eine Buffer Overflow Lücke im Netkit Telnet Daemon, der im FreeBSD Betriebssystem verwendet wird. Die Schwachstelle wurde Zwei Tage vorher, am 23.12.2011 veröffentlicht. […]

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