Until recently, the majority of organizations believed that they do not have to worry about targeted attacks, because they consider themselves to be “flying under the radar”. The common belief has been: “We are too small, only big organizations like financial service providers, military industry, energy suppliers and government institutions are affected”.
However, this assumption has been proven wrong since at least the detection of Operation ShadyRAT[0], DarkHotel[1] or the recent “RUAG Cyber Espionage Case”[2]. The analysis of the Command & Control (C&C) servers of ShadyRAT revealed that a large-scale operation was run from 2006 to 2011. During this operation 71 organizations (private and public) were targeted and spied on. It is assumed that these so-called Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) will even increase in the near future.
We at Compass Security are often asked to help finding malicious actions or traffic inside corporate networks.
The infection, in most cases, is a mix of social engineering methods (for example spear phishing) and the exploitation of vulnerabilities. This actually varies from case to case. Often we observe in proxy logs, that employees were lured into visiting some phishing sites which are designed to look exactly like the corporation’s Outlook Web Access (OWA) or similar applications/services as being used by the targeted company.
Typically, this is not something you can prevent exclusively with technical measures – user awareness is the key here! Nevertheless, we are often called to investigate when there still is some malware activity in the network. APT traffic detection can then be achieved with the correlation of DNS, mail, proxy, and firewall logs.
Network Analysis & APT Detection
To analyze a network, Compass Analysts first have to know the network’s topology to get an idea of how malware (or a human attacker) might communicate with external servers. Almost every attacker is going to exfiltrate data at some point in time. This is the nature of corporate/industrial espionage. Further, it is important to find out whether the attacker gained access to other clients or servers in the network.
For the analysis, log files are crucial. Many companies are already collecting logs on central servers [3], which speeds up the investigation process, since administrators don’t have to collect the logs from many different sources (which sometimes takes weeks), and off-site logs are more difficult to clear by attackers.
To analyze logs and sometimes traffic dumps, we use different tools like:
- Moloch (https://github.com/aol/moloch)
- ELK Stack (https://www.elastic.co/products)
- Splunk (http://splunk.com/)
ELK offers many advantages when it comes to clustering and configuration, but it doesn’t offer many pre-configured log parser rules. If you are lucky, you can find some for your infrastructure on GrokBase[4]. Otherwise there are plenty of tools helping you to build them on your own, such as e.g. Grok Debugger[5].
However, when analysis has to be kick-started fast, and you do not have time to configure large rulesets – Splunk comes with a wide range of pre-configured parsers.
After we gathered all logs (and in some cases traffic dumps), we feed them into Splunk/ELK/Moloch for indexing.
In a first step we try to clean the data set by removing noise. To achieve this, we identify known good traffic patterns and exclude them. Of course it is not always straight forward to distinguish between normal and suspicious traffic as some malware uses for example Google Docs for exfiltration. It takes some time to understand what the usual traffic in a network looks like. To clean the data set even more, we then look for connections to known malware domains.
There are plenty of lists available for this:
- https://zeustracker.abuse.ch/
- http://ransomwaretracker.abuse.ch/
- https://feodotracker.abuse.ch/
- http://www.malwaredomainlist.com/
- http://malc0de.com/database/
- http://cybercrime-tracker.net/index.php
- and many more…
If we are lucky, the attacker used infrastructure provided by known malware service providers (individuals and organizations are selling special services just for the purpose of hosting malware infrastructure). But more sophisticated attacks will most likely use their own infrastructure.
After cleaning out the data sets, we look for anomalies in the logs (e.g. large amounts of requests, single requests, big DNS queries, etc.). Some malware is really noisy and as a consequence, easy to find. Some samples are connecting to their C&C servers in a high frequency. Other samples are requesting commands form C&C servers at regular time intervals (Friday 20:00 for example). Others connect just once.
Sometimes we also detect anomalies in the network infrastructure which are caused by employees, for example heavy usage of cloud services such as Google Drive or Dropbox. Often these constitute to so-called false positives.
To share our experiences and knowledge in this field, we created the Security Training: Network Analysis & APT.
This training will cover:
- Configuration of evidence (What logs are needed?)
- Static and Dynamic Log Analysis with Splunk
- Splunk Basics and Advanced Usage
- Detecting anomalies
- Detecting malicious traffic
- Attack & Detection Challenges
If you are interested please visit our “Security Trainings” section to get more information: https://www.compass-security.com/services/security-trainings/kursinhalte-network-anlysis-apt/ or get in touch if you have questions.
The next upcoming training is on 22. and 23. September 2016 in Jona, click here to register.
Sources & References:
[0] Operation Shady RAT, McAfee, http://www.mcafee.com/us/resources/white-papers/wp-operation-shady-rat.pdf
[1] The Darkhotel APT, Kaspersky Lab Research, https://securelist.com/blog/research/66779/the-darkhotel-apt/
[2] Technical Report about the Malware used in the Cyberespionage against RUAG, MELANI/GovCERT, https://www.melani.admin.ch/melani/en/home/dokumentation/reports/technical-reports/technical-report_apt_case_ruag.html
[3] “Challenges in Log-Management”, Compass Security Blog, https://blog.compass-security.com/2014/10/challenges-in-log-management/
[4] GrokBase, http://grokbase.com/
[5] Grok Debugger, https://grokdebug.herokuapp.com/
[x.0] APT Network Analysis with Splunk, Compass Security, Lukas Reschke, https://www.compass-security.com/fileadmin/Datein/Research/White_Papers/apt_network_analysis_w_splunk_whitepaper.pdf
[x.1] Whitepaper: Using Splunk To Detect DNS Tunneling, Steve Jaworski, https://www.sans.org/reading-room/whitepapers/malicious/splunk-detect-dns-tunneling-37022