Compass Security Blog

Offensive Defense

Manipulating LLMs – How to confuse ChatGPT

What are LLMs LLMs (Large Language Models) are language models with a large number of parameters. These parameters are the model’s variables, which it learns during training. Typically, this training is unsupervised learning on a large data set, during which the algorithm tries to find patterns in the provided data. The more it learns, the […]

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Lenovo Update Your Privileges

A journey into the discovery of privilege escalation vulnerabilities in the Lenovo Update process.

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No Passwords More Problems

Passwordless products promise greater security and convenience by allowing users to log in to Windows systems with only their smartphone. But what is going on behind the scenes and how could a domain’s security stance be worsened by such a solution? In this post I will explain how these products are implemented and detail the vulnerabilities and weaknesses discovered in three tested products.

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SAML Padding Oracle

ArcGIS [1] is a family of software providing geographic information system services. While testing a customer’s ArcGIS architecture we came across a SAML login flow. In this blogpost we show how we found and exploited an AES-CBC padding oracle in this flow.

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SAML Raider Release 1.4.0

SAML Raider 1.4.0 is out which contains several new features like UI changes, new text editor, raw mode, XSW match/replace, parameter name definition and attack templates for XXE and XSLT attacks.

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Recently our analysts have been spending increasing amounts of time on IoT security. More specifically looking at the Tensilica Xtensa microcontroller architecture, and even more specifically at the Mongoose OS embedded operating system. With some public (CVE-2017-7185), and some not yet disclosed advisories (watch this space for Dobin Rutishauser’s work), we are happy to announce that […]

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BlackHat 2017 & DefCon 25

  This year three Compass analysts, Stephan Sekula, Dobin Rutishauser, and Philipp Promeuschel, attended the BlackHat and DefCon

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BFH Exploiting & Defense Course

I am given the opportunity to teach Exploiting & Defense in the Bern University of Applied Sciences (Berner Fachhochschule) in the module Application and Software-Security.

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Blackout: Wenn Hacker den Strom abschalten

Dieser Blog Post dient als Hintergrundartikel zum SRF Thementag «Blackout»: Wenn die Schweiz plötzlich keinen Strom mehr hätte vom Montag, 2. Januar 2017, 13.00 bis 22.00 Uhr (SRF News, SRF Kultur Wissen Beitrag) Wie ist die Vorgehensweisen von Hackern, die unerlaubten Zugriff auf fremde Systeme erlangen wollen? — beispielsweise im Netzwerk eines Energieversorgungsunternehmens. Basierend auf diesen […]

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Cross-Site Scripting

Cross-Site Scripting is harmless? Think again! Cross-Site Scripting, oftentimes referred to as “XSS”, is a common vulnerability of web applications. This vulnerability refers to the incorrect behavior of a web application to insufficiently encode user provided data when displaying it back to the user. If this is the case, attackers are able to inject malicious […]

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