This year three Compass analysts, Stephan Sekula, Dobin Rutishauser, and Philipp Promeuschel, attended the BlackHat and DefCon
This year three Compass analysts, Stephan Sekula, Dobin Rutishauser, and Philipp Promeuschel, attended the BlackHat and DefCon
At the beginning of August, as every year, two of our security analysts attended the most renowned IT security conferences Black Hat USA and DEF CON to learn about the latest trends and research. This year’s Black Hat conference, the 19th edition, took place at the Mandalay Bay Conference Center while DEF CON 24 was located […]
Black Hat USA in Las Vegas is one of the biggest IT security conferences in the world. Every year, thousands of security-interested people attend the conference that is held in the infamous Mandala Bay, in the heart of Las Vegas. And as every year, two security analysts of Compass have participated the conference to learn […]
Black Hat USA is the most famous conference for IT security professionals and hackers around the globe. The highly skilled speakers provide insights into their ongoing research and release their brand new tools. Of course, the spectacular location at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas contributes to the popularity of this conference as well. This year’s […]
Black Hat USA in Las Vegas is one of the biggest IT security conferences in the world. Every year, thousands of security-interested people attend the conference that is held in the infamous Caesars Palace, the heart of Las Vegas. And as every year, two security analysts of Compass have participated the conference to learn about […]
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