Compass Security Blog

Offensive Defense

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BlackHat 2017 & DefCon 25

  This year three Compass analysts, Stephan Sekula, Dobin Rutishauser, and Philipp Promeuschel, attended the BlackHat and DefCon

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Wrap-up: Hack-Lab 2017 #6

What is a Hack-Lab? Compass Security provides a monthly playful occasion for the security analysts to get-together and try to hack new devices, dive into current technologies and share their skills with their fellows. Topics The following topic, related tools and technology has been discussed during this Hack-Lab: Mobile Application Training focused on iOS and […]

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Wrap-up: Hack-Lab 2017 #5

What is a Hack-Lab? Compass Security provides a monthly playful occasion for the security analysts to get-together and try to hack new devices, dive into current technologies and share their skills with their fellow analysts. Topics The following topics, tools, and technology has been discussed during this Hack-Lab: Cold Boot Attacks, Fake Mails, Tool Development, […]

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Hello Roger! A new way to spoof a caller id

Did Roger Federer call us for some IT-security advice or did Nicolas Heiniger and I find a new way to spoof a caller id? The Human Factor is, and remains, the biggest and most relevant threat to the security of every company. The latest statistics state that “only about 3% of the malware they run […]

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About TLS Perfect Forward Secrecy and Session Resumption

Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) is a concept in Transport Layer Security (TLS) that makes sure that even if attackers manage to gain access to the private key of a certificate, they are not able to decrypt communication from the past (or communication in the future, without using active man in the middle attacks). Or in other […]

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Forensic Readiness

Introduction Every year Bitkom and others publish the statistics of detected attacks. These numbers are increasing (30% in 2014, 51% in 2015, 69% in 2016 each regarding the last two years). According to annual Mandiant reports, the duration until an attack is detected is 148 days in median. 148 days is a long time to gain […]

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Wrap-up: Hack-Lab 2017 #4

What is a Hack-Lab? Compass Security provides a monthly playful occasion for the security analysts to get-together and try to hack new devices, dive into current technologies and share their skills with their fellows. Topics The following topics, tools and technology has been discussed during this Hack-Lab: ESPloitation, Kubernetes, BACnet analysis, DNS Attacks and Hardening, Multi-SDR […]

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JWT Burp Extension

JSON Web Token, or more commonly known as JWT,  is an open standard [1] that defines a compact and self-contained structure for securely transmitting information between multiple parties. The contained information can be verified and trusted through digital signatures. JWTs can be integrity protected using a secret using the HMAC algorithm or a public / private […]

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BFH Exploiting & Defense Course

I am given the opportunity to teach Exploiting & Defense in the Bern University of Applied Sciences (Berner Fachhochschule) in the module Application and Software-Security.

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Wrap-up: Hack-Lab 2017 #3

What is a Hack-Lab? Compass Security provides a monthly playful occasion for the security analysts to get-together and try to hack new devices, dive into current technologies and share their skills with their fellows. Topics The following topics, tools and technology has been discussed during this Hack-Lab: Nessus Automation Tools, Automate Everything, Frida on an […]

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